Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PERU...!!!... another world!!

Like 3 years ago I went to Cusco, a town situated at an altitude of 3200m. We experienced Cusco's night life where we were nearly attacked by people trying to convince us to go to their bar for free drinks. The guys had fun going round the bars drinking for free.
At the market, people were offering us San Pedro, a cactus extract. It turns out the it's a sort of medecin that purifies the body but also has hallucinating and/or vision effects. After lowering the price, we arranged an appointment with the Chaman for a San Pedro ritual the next morning. He was late as we had expected but made up for it during the day. The taste was pretty awful but we got used to it after having made our "healing request" to Pachamama. The walk in the mountain was really interesting and beautiful. We spent a really nice day all together with weird hallucinations and visions. The only problem is that I wasn't tired and couldn't sleep until 6h30 to then wake up at 8h, but the day was well worth it.
The next day was slow and in the evening we started our long trip to the Machupichu archeological site. Rather than taking the really expensive train to the Machupichu village, we took several buses and walked for 10km, a real adventure! Visiting the site started with a 1h30 walk up steps and with the altitude, it wasn't easy at all. At the top, after a few problems, we managed to get in on the student price even though we didn't have our student cards (I strongly advise K to get a student card to get into all the sites half price!) and luckily as the price is amazingly high! It was an amazing view, a really interesting and enormous site. I understood why the site had such a reputation, we walked through it all day and took loads of pictures. The walk down was easier that walking up but we could still feel the lack of oxygen.
Getting back to Cusco was just as long with the 10km walk, the buses and then the long hours in the back of a lorry completely loaded with merchandise and people. Some of the guys were really complaining but I thought it was really funny…
It took us 2 days rest to get over it and regain energy while visiting the town and it's suroundings, including several really yummy meals in an amazing vegetarian restaurant and drinks in the Km 0 bar with live music and an atmosphere like the ones I love.
It was a really nice and interesting experience….

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